Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Thanks for putting up with our April Fools' shenanigans yesterday

As you may have noticed, yesterday was April Fools' Day, and I did a few posts. So unfortunately, you won't be able to go curling at DCUSA, stripping at Ruby Tuesday, or enjoy a Mme. Pamplemousse cocktail at Spike Mendelsohn's Champagne Room. (And the last post was a joke about PoPville's "Door of the Day" posts.) 

So my apologies, none of those things are happening -- however, I do have some other cool (and real) things to post about today -- a funnel cake truck, a lecture series called the Rise, Fall and Rise of Columbia Heights, and a $100 million lawsuit against Jim Graham (no, really, that's not a joke.) So stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed the jokes, in any case. I've been doing this blog since 2008 and April Fools' Day is always a fun one for me, and I hope for you. I try to make them ridiculous but just believable enough. And whether you liked them or not, thanks for reading the blog for all these years! You all make it fun to do.

But that mushiness aside, here are some of the the more popular April Fools' Day posts from previous years, if you are so inclined:

In 2012, folks reacted to a story about Wonderland closing and getting replaced by a Taco Bell and Disney opening a hotel in DCUSA. In 2011, I got tired of a walkable neighborhood with lots of things to do nearby, so I moved to Maryland and renamed the site New Gaithersburg Heights, complete with a banner of chain restaurants. I did a series called Chili's of the Day, rating which Chili's was the best: Aspen Hill was the winner. 

It looks like I forgot to do jokes in 2010, but in 2009 people were pretty angry that the entire neighborhood and the Metro station were getting renamed Tivoli Heights due to supposed negative connotations with Columbia Heights. April 1, 2008 was just after the second post ever on this blog, so no time for jokes! It was "Potbelly is open." We've come a long way!

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