Monday, April 15, 2013

Smart 9-1-1 takes emergency response to the next level

By the Otis Place correspondent

Smart 9-1-1 is more than start.  It’s brilliant.  Land lines are becoming a thing of the past.  But what happens if you call 9-1-1 from your cell phone during an emergency at your house, and you get cut off before you can give your address?  Smart 9-1-1 has the answer. And so much more.

As a representative of 9-1-1 explained at last week’s ANC 1A meeting, you can now go to  and provide emergency responders as much or as little information as you choose that can help them help you when you need it most.  Like your recurring medical condition, medications and blood type so they know better how to treat you in an emergency.  Pictures of your kids so they can tell the difference between Marcia, Jan and Cindy.  A picture of your house so they can find it easily.  Cell phone numbers of all your house mates so that if any of them calls there’s an address associated with each one. 

I went on the website, and in about 15 minutes I created a profile for me and my partner.  I’ll go back later to add some photos and a profile for our house mate once I get his permission.  And then, as the Smart 9-1-1 website says,  when anyone in my house dials 9-1-1 from a phone associated with their safety profile, “their profile is immediately displayed to the 9-1-1 call taker providing additional information that can be used to facilitate the proper response to the proper location. At a time when seconds count, being able to provide 9-1-1 with all details that could impact response the second an emergency call is placed could be the difference between life and death.”

But shouldn’t all work places register too?  I’m just thinking out loud here….

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