Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Parking rules change then change back on Sherman Avenue

If you park on Sherman Avenue between Euclid Street and Barry Place, it might have been a rough few weeks. After the streetscape construction finished, the city changed the normal "2 hour parking-Zone 1 exempt" to 4-hour parking, meaning residents couldn't park there during the day or overnight.

After a resident complained to Jim Graham, Graham got DDOT to change the changed parking back to normal.

So don't fear, parkers whose zones get changed, you might have some recourse.

Here's the resident's email to Graham.
My tenants at a small six unit building on Sherman between Euclid and Barry (across the street from the Howard parking lots and firehouse) have been parking on Sherman for the last 15 years. The block was posted with the standard "2 hour parking, zone 1 permits excepted" signs for years. After the streetscape was done, the city put up signs on one side of the block indicating "only zone 1 permits" which was fine for my tenants. The other side of the street was posted with 4 hour parking for everyone. Last week, the city took down the signs indicating "only zone 1 permit" parking. Now, there is 4 hour parking for everyone on both sides of the street. My tenants now have to troll for parking on Euclid and Fairmont and other side streets, making parking more congested for residents on those blocks than they were before. And Sherman between Euclid and Barry sits empty of cars because of the new signs.

There are no businesses, restaurants, etc. on this block to necessitate 4 hour parking with residents excluded. It is very unfair to the few residents on the block and a bad use of city parking resources. Did Howard pressure the city to remove resident parking on this block? No one ever parks on this block, so why would residents on the block be excluded?

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